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Class Name: HashMap


Name Data Type Description
arr1 Array of Integers Stores keys
arr2 Array of Integers Stores values
current Integer Location of top value
length Integer Length/Size of HashMap


Name Parameters Return Type Description
constructor None Object (HashMap) Creates an instance of class HashMap
put Key (Integer), Value (Integer) Void Stores key & its value to map
get Key (Integer) Integer Gets corresponding value for key from map
size None Integer Returns the size of map
isEmpty None Boolean Checks whether map is empty or not
isFull None Boolean Checks whether map is full or not
clear None Void Clears the map
containsKey Key (Integer) Boolean Checks whether map contains corresponding key or not
containsValue Value (Integer) Boolean Checks whether map contains corresponding value or not
removeKey Key (Integer) Boolean Removes key & its corresponding value from map if present
removeValue Value (Integer) Boolean Removes value & its corresponding key from map if present