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Class Name: TicTacToe


Name Data Type Description
Board Array of Arrays Stores the values in the board
currentPlayer Integer Who is the current Player?
currentValue String What is the current Value? (X or O)
blank (“ “) String Blank String for comparing
X (“X”) String String Letter “X” for comparing
O (“O”) String String Letter “O” for comparing

Methods - User Interface

Methods used for creating the User Interface

Name Parameters Return Type Description
TicTacToe (Constructor) None Object (TicTacToe) Creates an instance of class
drawBoard None Void Draws the Tic Tac Toe Grid
UI None Void Draws the Interface for Input & Grid

Methods - Change Interface

Methods used for changing the User Interface

Name Parameters Return Type Description
changeCurrentPlayer None Void Changes the Current Player & value
setX Position (int) Void Changes Value from blank to X at given position
setO Position (int) Void Changes Value from blank to O at given position

Methods - Helper Methods for Changing the Interface

Helper Methods used for Main Methods of Changing the Interface

Name Parameters Return Type Description
currentValue Position (int) String Returns the corresponding value at given position
setValue Position (int), Value (String) Void Sets the given value at given position
remainder Dividend (int), Divisior (int) Integer Returns the Remainder of given values

Logical Methods - Checking the Conditions

Main Logic to check if the player is won or game is draw.

Name Parameters Return Type Description
checkIfWon Void Boolean Check if the player is won
checkIfDraw Void Boolean Check if the game is draw